Multinationals, just like governments, have a big challenge: how to protect yourself against cyber security threats? When you have hundred of thousands employees, only a fraction making a mistake can cause a huge damage. How can you try and control this?

When you are used to work a certain way it's hard to change since you do this without thinking. To make you aware of this, you need to recognize the situation. Therefor we built six recognizable work environments in which the game takes place. At start, you choose your office location. You start your computer and a scenario plays out in which you have to make decisions. You will get feedback on your choices.

Showing the invisible

You don't see your digital life so it's hard to see the threats. In this game we show the digital world that lays behind the physical one. We visualize the threats coming in and out of your devices making it the real, more tangible. A picture is worth a thousands words, right?

Underneath the physical world, the digital threat runs through any device

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